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All About Kindle

All about Kindle

There is a lot of debate about which is better, books or the e-book reader? Honestly, I would say that it depends. Depends on the kind of reading experience you want or need. You will find gazillions blogs, websites and comments that would tell you about the pros and cons of both forms. A lot of those discussions are pointless. I mean there are bound to be people who prefer one to the another. Isn't the whole point of books and Kindles is reading them? Yes, one would say that the experience differs and all that but as long as the book's good and you are transported to the world, who cares?

Disclaimer: I have a Kindle, and lately, my propensity to buy paperbacks has dwindled, and it is not due to my bias, it all boils down to one factor: cost. E-books are a lot cheaper, and I don't have to wait for the delivery since it is instantly delivered to my Kindle. I also read a lot of online articles and stories, and the long-reads end up on my Kindle ultimately. There is an elaborate process that goes on for that. From my Inoreader (RSS reader) to Instapaper (read-it-later app) and then to my Kindle finally. I like the convenience. I do it for the sake of my eyes. After all those online classes and projects, I don't want to stare at my laptop anymore until everything is a blur. I take my Kindle and relax. It's e-paper, doesn't hurt the eyes. Unlike smart devices, it doesn't emit any blue light. Also, I do most of my reading at night, so the built-in light helps. I can access all my highlights at one place, and it is quite helpful. These are some of the reasons why the Kindle comes with me to my trips, bed and nearly everywhere. (not parties, of course!)

But that doesn't mean, I'm totally swearing off physical books. I love them, the smell of new books and the feeling are something that e-books readers cannot achieve soon. I got immersed in the world of reading while randomly flipping through one of the books at a local bookstore. It was like Disneyland for me. Myriads of worlds to explore through these little instruments. As I grew up, my affinity for books rose. I could not sleep if I didn't have a book in my hand. From children's magazines, I quickly moved to novels, self-help to more serious reading. So it was a no-brainer when I decided to buy a Kindle. To be honest, there should be no comparison Both the forms have their own USPs. So it all depends on what kind of reading experience you want. If you want a no-nonsense approach to reading and are happy to bear some minor inconveniences, physical books are good enough. And it doesn't make any sense to splurge money on an e-book reader. If you read from diverse sources, an e-book reader or tablet is the way forward. Or you could just go to the library and venture into the world of reading.

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